Thursday, January 27, 2011

10 Least Favorite Things At This Very Moment...

Ah... well right now life couldn't get anymore interesting. For example: This week my Fitness for Life teacher died of a heart attack a few days after giving us a lecture on how to prevent heart attacks... ironic?!?! I think yes! Nonetheless... this week couldn't get much worse so i'm going to tell you the top ten things I hate...

First off: BUSY WORK!!! (Despite my hatred, I ended up with a pretty great pardoner:) plus, I got to use glitter glue. Win you're thinking? Heck to the yes!

Number 2: Stupid Drivers!

Number 3: Random Deaths

Number 4: The organization of worms in Biology

Number 5: Evil People

Number 6: Boys in general

Number 7: When I miss 30 Rock for nonsense

Number 8: Milk in any way, shape, or form

Number 9: Having hope for the paper to come out, but then loosing hope very very quickly

Number 10: Girls who are planning to rely on their husbands to bring in the bacon!!! STUPID!

Okay, well that's the end of my very long and angry rant. Hope you all have a splendid day not caring about this rediculous blog:)

Sincerely, Maddie Patty

Monday, January 3, 2011

A Day in the Life of Me

Once upon a time, there lived a girl who wanted life to be perfect. Unfortunately, this naive girl hadn't realized that it was impossible to be perfect. Though life was slightly unsatisfactory, she went on day to day determined make it better than the last. Somehow, she managed to end up at the nerd-iest school in the kingdom where all of the princes were still (and will forever be) frogs. Luckily, she had the most wonderful friends just beyond the kingdom fortifications, but because of the blockades, she didn't get to see them often. This girl spent much of her time focusing on increasing her knowledge in hopes that someday she would become a doctor; however, when she managed to find some spare time, she would dance and dance until her feet could no longer move. This girl, though many did not know, dreamed of one day living in a small and cozy cottage near a river with her truly beloved, and just a single child that would be as close to perfect as possible. In this cottage, the girl would be able to write and dance until her hearts deepest desires were released into the open. Together, she and her dearest love would travel the world helping one country at a time, curing anyone and everyone of any disease they may have. Then they would grow old together, and when they died side by side, they would know that they had lived a great a glorious life.

Yeah, I thought that was a nice story too. Too bad I live in reality.