Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Of Late...

Of late... of late... just a few milestones have passed. You know, graduation... more graduating and graduating one more time. Also, registering for classes at the U (woohoo!) Nonetheless, I'm still kind of in shock that high school is over. Though I am very glad that it is, I will forever carry these timeless memories in my mind. Here's a recap:

-Kunz's class... what more can I say? Between Andrew, Gabe, and Jake there was nothing left unsaid or commented on.
- Wahnchaffet and Andertinj
- That's what she said (complement of Lauren Whitney)
- DerbRidge and her substracting
- Lauren drinking "windex" in Mrs. Paz's class, and Mrs. Paz proceeding to freak out *note: when I say freak out, I really mean, freak out.
- Harry Potter and the Merchant of Venice with KK and Anne. I'm pretty sure Mr. Williams will forever love us.
- Ashmann: The Yankees even ruled clear back here.
- Journalism... wait, that was the year we actually got stuff done. Never mind.
- Mrs. Smith's class in general... Remember the that one time Ryker couldn't figure out the "right" accent for whatever part he was reading. Yeah, me too!
- NHS... whatever that is/was
- The infamous car wreck of doom
- Climbing that freaking silo
- Dump
- Getting lost in Salt Lake and Provo with the Journalism crew
- Fiesta Fridays (every Friday)
- Sketchy Mormon beer pong
- Sitting with Gabe in Dr. Bailey's class
- Scum and other random card games that everyone is good at except for me
- Student Council... and all of our attempted "activities"
- Handstands and Gene

Well, I've probably missed a million memories, but I'm sure I'll remember them eventually. Anyway, those days were fun and a shout out to my friends who made this all possible. THE END

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Dumb is Fun

I hate to break your hearts, but for the sake of confidentiality, there will be no pictures posted throughout this post of postings in which the post will have no pictures posted because it is a post of confidentiality... you know, a confidential post (why in the world are they called "posts"?).
Anyway, I must admit that within this last year I have done many a dumb thing, and it is a true miracle that I am still alive. In acknowledgment to whomever has kept me alive, I will now proceed to confess nearly everything I have done.

1: I participated in an all-nighter in which I drank 2 Rock Stars
2: I climbed a siloh that had to be atleast 45 feet high in the middle of November at three in the morning simply because I wanted to impress the boy that I liked at the time... and still like:) (p.s. It totally worked) (p.p.s. that was the same night as the all-nighter)
3: That same night I proceeded to play a game in which you had to transfer a card with your lips... and only your lips... BAD IDEA
4: I went down sliding rock *What is sliding rock you ask? Well, it's this natural water slide in Alpine, Utah that has glacier water. Normally, children will slide down it in the middle of summer when the temperature is scorching! When did I do this? Eh... it was like... 70 degrees outside and the end of April. FREAKING FREEZING is all I have to say about the matter. Who did I do this with? Oh yeah, that same guy mentioned in #2... I'm starting to see a pattern.
5: After being freezing, we climbed into an abandoned minors cave of doom.
6: I rode in Jake's car with Jake driving.
7: I sluffed my only class to see the Avengers (totally worth it, but if Mrs. Schiffmann asks, I was "sick")
8: I played shifty mormon beer pong for many consecutive Fridays.
9: I took biology with Olga Kopp. For old times sake, "we are going to stop it now".
10: Honey Badger (a.k.a. Lauren) and I shoved many a random thing down the hole in the senior connect room. We still don't know where that hole goes...
11: Last, but certainly not least, I met Joseph Smith. No, for reals... the legit J-Smith.

Mom, dad... and anyone else who may or may not be reading this: You now know the many dumb things that I have done to make my senior year the best ever. This is the condensed version and I still have a whole week to do more dumb things, so be prepared (I hope you just sang that last phrase in a Scar [from Disney's The Lion King] kinda voice). The Ende

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Once upon a senior year...

So, how many people can you fit on a table that seats 8 (let me give you a hint... 8 is NOT the answer). In fact... if you take 100 devide it by roughly 31.83 it gives you the most incredibly stupid number in the world... Drum Roll Please... Pi. Yes, yes... I know what you are thinking (please say this in your head as if i'm talking in a valley girl sorta voice) "Um, hello... you can't eat numbers," and you are perfectly right. You can't eat numbers unless they are written on paper or something else edible. Anyway, Pi is the answer simply because it is irrational, and with these people, everything ever done in the history of the world is so utterly, disgustingly, and unusually irrational.
Observation: These people are irrational when they happen to be together, although when they are at this particular table around the times of 12:00-12:53, their irrationality increases. *is irrationality a word? Where's an English teacher when you need them?
Hypothesis: When this particular group of people get together around this time, it is inevitable that they are going to act completely stupid.
Experiment: Keep camera out for 53 minutes and record everything stupid you can find.
Conclusion: Wait... What?

Just for the record... I captured the most amazing picture that completely exemplifies the relationship between a man and his food (WARNING: if you are seriously disgusted by this savage-ish picture... my condolences).El fin

Monday, June 27, 2011

Once Upon A Summer Time

This summer is officially CRAZY! I have been running around like a mad woman! Here's my latest adventure in 30 seconds:
The Lake of Powells with neighbors and friends on a giant house boat of fun in the middle of a giant lake. Kayaking, cliff jumping, swimming, too much glucose in my mouth, singing about dying young, it's like asia in a can, making out with twixes, sleeping, "all nighters," flying off tubes and almost dying, 3 year old punching, "Goodnight"ing, jet skiing, and last but not least, failing to beat everyone at Five Crowns. Yes, it was a crazy week and I got to spend it with some of the funniest people on this earth. You should all be completely and entirely jealous.
Adventures to Come:
Watching every single Harry Potter ever made at Thanksgiving Point theatre the day that the new one comes out... I'm bursting with excitement. It's from 6:00AM - 3:00AM (the next day) EEEEKKKKK!!!
Wait, it gets better... the day right after that is the NORDSTROM SALEEEEEE!!!!!! That means I will be shopping with a grand total of 2 hours of sleep... wooooooo!!! Just to let you know, this day is considered a holiday in my family. Blackberry Italian Ices for everyone!
My rant is now over. Have a LOVELY day!
Sincerely, Maddie Pattie

Friday, June 3, 2011


Yes, I'm aware that I haven't blogged for over 3 months... my bad. You see, school was incredibly cruel and filled with unecessary busy work. Therefore, I appologize. Anyway, I have about 3 seconds. Here's my rant:
Why in the world does it say "1 comments?" Shouldn't it be sigular?!?! I mean, honestly, this web thingy has to be smarter than that! GRRRR!!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Slightly Longer Weekend Officials Try to Pass off as "Spring Break"

Seeing that Spring Break is only 2 days for us "UCASians," I attempted to make it the best (even though it was freezing and everyone was exausted). To kick off the oh so fantabulous weekend, the gang got together and roasted peeps over an open fire, and went to the spinny park of doom where many of us almost broke a bone and the Peeps were almost resurected... nonetheless, it was awesome.

Moving on to Friday... Well you see... Someone (named mom) decided it would be okay for me to get my only wise teeth extracted during Spring Break. Luckily, it wasn't that bad... It's basically like taking a small nap, then waking up and thanking Harry Potter for keeping you safe (nope, never mind, that's probably just me)... anyway, enjoy this blackmail worthy picture of me after getting those wretched things ripped out of my gums. (mind you, I took this myself)

So, Friday was mildly exciting... but to make this an even crazier weekend, I woke up the next morning (at 7:00AM [on a weekend]) and competed at a dance competition... Wouldn't suggest that to anyone. Anywho, we kicked butt! 1st place on every dance (secrets: except for the production) and won best over all dance in a lane! Not to mention some other awards that I can't remember right now... WOOHOOO!!!

Well Congrats Readers, you've made it to the end of my rediculous and completely useless blog of my not so long spring break. So long for now;)

Sincerely, Maddie

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Inspiration 101

Just so everyone knows, I thought I would let you all in on my Top 10 (womens only) hero list (excluding my family and friends):
  1. Stacy London(DUH)
  2. Tina Fey
  3. Giada De Laurentiis
  4. Jillian Michaels
  5. SALT
  6. Mia Michaels
  7. Finola Hughes
  8. Adele
  9. Pink
  10. Paula Abdul