Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Dumb is Fun

I hate to break your hearts, but for the sake of confidentiality, there will be no pictures posted throughout this post of postings in which the post will have no pictures posted because it is a post of confidentiality... you know, a confidential post (why in the world are they called "posts"?).
Anyway, I must admit that within this last year I have done many a dumb thing, and it is a true miracle that I am still alive. In acknowledgment to whomever has kept me alive, I will now proceed to confess nearly everything I have done.

1: I participated in an all-nighter in which I drank 2 Rock Stars
2: I climbed a siloh that had to be atleast 45 feet high in the middle of November at three in the morning simply because I wanted to impress the boy that I liked at the time... and still like:) (p.s. It totally worked) (p.p.s. that was the same night as the all-nighter)
3: That same night I proceeded to play a game in which you had to transfer a card with your lips... and only your lips... BAD IDEA
4: I went down sliding rock *What is sliding rock you ask? Well, it's this natural water slide in Alpine, Utah that has glacier water. Normally, children will slide down it in the middle of summer when the temperature is scorching! When did I do this? Eh... it was like... 70 degrees outside and the end of April. FREAKING FREEZING is all I have to say about the matter. Who did I do this with? Oh yeah, that same guy mentioned in #2... I'm starting to see a pattern.
5: After being freezing, we climbed into an abandoned minors cave of doom.
6: I rode in Jake's car with Jake driving.
7: I sluffed my only class to see the Avengers (totally worth it, but if Mrs. Schiffmann asks, I was "sick")
8: I played shifty mormon beer pong for many consecutive Fridays.
9: I took biology with Olga Kopp. For old times sake, "we are going to stop it now".
10: Honey Badger (a.k.a. Lauren) and I shoved many a random thing down the hole in the senior connect room. We still don't know where that hole goes...
11: Last, but certainly not least, I met Joseph Smith. No, for reals... the legit J-Smith.

Mom, dad... and anyone else who may or may not be reading this: You now know the many dumb things that I have done to make my senior year the best ever. This is the condensed version and I still have a whole week to do more dumb things, so be prepared (I hope you just sang that last phrase in a Scar [from Disney's The Lion King] kinda voice). The Ende